Jack wanted to go down all the water slides so Rob would take him up and then he went down and I would be there to catch him but he did not want my help so here he is at the end of the water slide. He absolutely loved it.
After Carter's games we came home and had lunch and took naps and then we went to the new waterpark and went swimming and had pizza it was such a fun time both boy's were exhausted when we left.
Today Carter had a 2 t-ball games one at 9;00 and then at 10:00 and after the games they had an awards ceremony for all the teams and each kid got there name called and they got a medal. It was so cute and so much fun. Here is Carter getting his medal
Jack loves to hang on and follow behind Carter, those two run all over the house and wrestle. It is so much fun to watch/ I really enjoy hanging out with my boy's