Thursday, August 7, 2008

Carter and Jack

Well bothe boy's are doing wonderful. Carter has mastered the potty training and is now wearing big boy underwear all the time (Even at night). He stays dry all day and night and can now even go the bathroom by himself. It is so amamzing he just turned the corner overnight. I am so proud of him.
Jack is now 7 months old and just went to the doctor for his check up and he weighs 20lbs and 8ozs and was 27 1/4 inches long. I know He is a big boy. He now has his 2 front bottom teeth and there more trying to come through.

Splish Splash the boy's in the bath

One night I was not feeling good and Rob was gone so I decided to give the boy's their bath's at the same time. They both loved it and so much fun. Now that has become our nightly routine and it works out really nice.

Carter makes dinner

As I was making dinner one night Carter decided that he wanted to help me so he grabbed his step stool and the spoon and he began to stir the sauce. He actually did a really good job and di not even make a mess. He is such a good helper.