Saturday, February 14, 2009

Carter and Brady

Carter kept on asking me if he could hold baby bardy who is 6 weeks old so I had him sit in the boat and he did such a good job with him. Carter kept on kissing his head and Brady just sat there and never even made a peep. Carter is so good with him, Jack however was kinda jealous and kept on trying to poke Brady's eyes out.

Carter and Ella

Carter and Ella are having there pretend lunch at the Childrens Museum. It sure looks yummy...

Childrens Museum

They Boy's and I went to the Childrens Museum for Valnetines day since Rob is out in Colorado skiing. Jack sure loved to drive this car and have Carter as his passenger. They are making a stop at the bank for some money. We sure had a fun time. Our good friends joined us.. Lori, Ella and Brady...